
1- Sample usage in wagtail page called "Home":

from wagtail_blocks.blocks import HeaderBlock, ListBlock, ImageTextOverlayBlock, CroppedImagesWithTextBlock, ListWithImagesBlock

class HomePage(Page):
    body = StreamField([
        ('header', HeaderBlock()),
        ('list', ListBlock()),
        ('image_text_overlay', ImageTextOverlayBlock()),
        ('cropped_images_with_text', CroppedImagesWithTextBlock()),
        ('list_with_images', ListWithImagesBlock()),
    ], blank=True)

    content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
        StreamFieldPanel("body", classname="Full"),

2- For HomePage template, blocks should be rendered with IDs to function properly

{% for block in page.body %}
    {% include_block block with %}
{% endfor %}